Signs of a round-faced man is the length and width of the face are almost the same, and usually tend to have chubby cheeks. Having a round face and little body gemut makes a little inconvenience in selecting a model and hair styles that fit and appropriate. Many models haircuts for a round face that can be selected, either who want long hair or short hair.
For those who like to keep long hair can choose a hairstyle that thin, straight and full layer. as disclosed by the artistic team of experts Makarizo Henie "if you have a round face shape is well cut with full Lafer models, and not too long should be limited to shoulder alone".

In conclusion, haircuts for round faces can with long hair or short hair cuts provided using full layer that does not highlight the shape of the jaw cheek. Full layer model will disguise you that chubby look gaunt. Avoid curly models as this will reinforce the shape of a round face.